Greetings and groovy salutations to all you FunkStars out there, gather round and lend me your ears.

The third single from your favourite band Funkus Maximus “On My Way Up” has just been released on October 1st out into the world to do what it was created to do…

To teach the world how to FUNK!

“On My Way Up” is a catchy, funky tune all about moving on up in the world and that is what Funkus Maximus intends to do. It’s moving onwards and upwards baby, and FAST.

You can hear “On My Way Up” on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music and anywhere else where great music is streamed.

Let’s see how far “up” we can take the song. Higher than Sputnik in orbit? Well, anything is possible.

May the power of the FUNK move through you.

Funkus Maximus
Funkus Maximus
Articles: 5

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